Subhi karim a.k.a abg berx is doing a promo for outdoor photoshoot. ONLY for RM500 je!!!!Booking period anytime and shooting period start from now till Feb 28 2011. This is more like a two hours of fun shoot with some romantic touch.Menarik kan!!tapi tak bleh laa lebih-lebih touch .haha.
Korang boleh guna this promo untuk buat Pre-wedding shoot. But, ada terma dan syaratnya ye.No heavy dress, details and props.hehe. Cepat contact abg berx!! promo best niiii...hehe
Korang boleh guna this promo untuk buat Pre-wedding shoot. But, ada terma dan syaratnya ye.No heavy dress, details and props.hehe. Cepat contact abg berx!! promo best niiii...hehe

Gorgeous couple out there, wanna freeze your day-out moment?
Grab this special photography session of fun-unconventional-couple-portraiture-sh
Grab this special photography session of fun-unconventional-couple-portraiture-sh
Your photo is automatically eligible to enter a contest in this page
(to be announced during the period) and have a chance of receiving a
Photography Package + Album by Subhi Karim.
Terms & conditions:
1. manner : casually-done-love-portraiture
2. unlimited shoot and burn with CD
3. Free touch ups / editing
4. 2 hours shooting
5. location klang valley & putrajaya
6. weekdays only
7. RM250 for confirmation fees.
8. shooting period from now until 28 Feb 2011
(subject to change depends on the availability and total participants)
p/s banyak sgt promo ni. Pening aku nk pilih OP .ape2 pun,sy suka artwork abg berx!! tone color cantikkk~
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